Tech Support and Managed IT Services

for Dental, Optical, and Professional Offices

in Klamath Falls, Oregon

Managed IT Support from Action DataTel

Call for IT Support in Klamath Falls Today – 541.494.2099

Managed IT & Business Technology

Ease the stress of running a business by automating your business technology. Our enterprise-grade systems easily overlay on your computers to manage data backups, software updates, and more.

Explore Managed IT

Automate Your Technology

Overlay our automated PC management framework and see results. Upgrade to new technology for efficiency and flexibility, optimizing your business practices. Automation brings efficiency and productivity.

Advanced Security

Boost your medical practice with an increase in security and better ensure patient privacy. Encrypted email and encrypted data backups help keep all your patient ePHI under lock and key.

Increase My Security

VoIP, Video & Broadband

Today's electronic office relies on dependable broadband service and other groovy stuff to keep your business going. Video security, VoIP phone systems, phone service, and more!

My Electronic Office

Don’t let clunky ineffective office technology hold you back

Dr. David Allen

A True Business Partner
Action DataTel is Interested in Your Success as a Business
The biggest benefit to our team since joining with Action DataTel has been Peace of Mind.

It’s great to have a local IT partner, as my...

Dr. David Allen
Dr. David Allen, Dentist more

Honored to Serve and Protect Klamath Falls Businesses

What every business owner must know before hiring a computer consultant

Not Quite Ready to Call Us?

If so, we would at least like to send you a copy of
our recently published report, "21 Questions To Ask
Before Hiring A Managed IT Company".

Even if you aren’t ready to make a change right now,
this report will give you important questions you
should ask your current IT company to make sure
that their policies, procedures and service standards
won’t leave you vulnerable to expensive problems,
lost data, viruses, hacker attacks and a host of
other problems.

Simply fill out the form here
and we’ll send you a copy today!

Dental Tech Support

Computers and medical equipment can be a perfect match, if you watch them closely. Our integrated management software does just that!

Manage My Healthcare IT

Professional Office Technology

Automated management, redundancy and bullet-proof data backup are essential in Banking, Insurance, Financial Planning, Accounting, and many more businesses.

Automate my business

Cybersecurity & Compliance

Stop losing sleep over protecting your patient's personal information. Our security and privacy tools are used to create multiple layers of security, to further discourage hackers.

Explore Cybersecurity

It’s never too late for Peace of Mind

Happier employees, more content clients, and a more peaceful business owner. Who could ask for more?