You probably don’t want to! Your computer network could be leaking private information right now without your knowledge or consent! What is Malvertising? Mal-vertising (from “malicious advertising”) is the use of online advertising to spread […]
Do I really need to waste my time on HIPAA? Dental and Medical practices deal with HIPAA every day. The question is, “Do the Doctors and Staff really understand what is at stake, and why […]
How do you know if your computing systems have been breached or not? 80% of computer system breaches go undetected for more than 6 months! Your computer network could be leaking private information right now […]
Do You Know Who Is Watching Your World? Ever get that creepy feeling that someone is watching you or following you? Cautiously glancing over your shoulder, you expect to see a shadowy figure duck into […]
They say beauty is in the “Eye of the Beholder”. Ever wonder where that comes from, or why? Perhaps it’s as simple as this – beauty is really ‘customized’ for each and every eye. How […]
Many people have already planned their Spring vacation. Have you? I’ll bet that you have spent more time thinking and planning for your next vacation than for the protection of the most vital asset in […]
… State Department, USPS, US Weather Service…Target… How to take a Byte out of Cyber Crime Some of this you’ve heard before… yet still, many of you are doing things that will eventually get you […]
“Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” – Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanack Remembering all the passwords you use alone can be tough. Remembering secure passwords can be even tougher though.Thankfully, […]
FBI Computer Security Breach Notifications Yes, it’s happening in Oregon! Unless you’ve been hiding in a cave somewhere, you must be aware of the outbreak of computer network security breaches. Some big corporations… Target, Albertson’s, […]
I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure. Preventing disease is a noble cause and one I’m sure you don’t take lightly. Within the realm of computers in your office, […]