FTC Announces BIG Changes for Business IT Security

What is the Safeguards rule? The cyber security Safeguards Rule was created for financial institutions to abide by to ensure protection of client data. However, recent amendments made by the FTC now broaden the definition […]

4 Ways to Stay Safe While Online Shopping

Laptop opened on bed with credit cards surrounding it

If you and your employees don’t practice these four rules to stay safer (notice I didn’t say safe) shopping online, you could be setting yourselves and your business up to become victims of identity theft, fraud, and more.

The dangers of social media surveys

Phone with facebook app loaded on screen, and scrabble tiles spelling out the words social media

“…your first name, your mother’s maiden name and the street you grew up on to create your “new name.” Jane + Smith + Lillian Avenue = your dancer name. This isn’t carefree fun. These answers are often challenge questions to credit check programs, bank accounts, emails and many other things.”

7 Things You Can Do with VoIP Business Phone

picture of VoIP business telephone

What the heck is VoIP?

Quite simply, VoIP is Voice Over Internet Protocol, or Internet-based phone.

Years ago, VoIP had a reputation for being unreliable, but that is no longer the case due to the wide availability of high-speed internet. Most businesses successfully utilize VoIP – and love it!

Here are 7 things you can do with VoIP:

How to Keep Your Data OFF the Dark Web

You don’t have to use the Dark Web to encounter one of the most common issues with it: the sale of your private data (such as bank account numbers, passwords, Social Security numbers, birth dates, […]

6 Steps To Safely Connect To Public WiFi

safely access public wifi

While working outside the office is great for a change of scenery-especially somewhere you can grab a cup of coffee and have some ambient background noise-it can actually be a HUGE danger to your business. […]

The ADA is hit by Ransomware


American Dental Association (ADA) Ransomware Attack is an Imminent Threat for Small Dental Offices The American Dental Association was a victim of a Ransomware attack this weekend.  A new hacker group called Black Basta claimed […]

Cybersecurity Toolkit

cybersecurity toolkit toolbox

When I was in my early 20’s, my dad gave me my first set of tools. Included in the little case were a few screwdrivers, a brand new tape measure, some crescent wrenches, a hammer […]

Resist Risky Ransomware

Resist Ransomware

Last week we looked at the 7 Ghosts of Cyber Security. One of these ghosts was Ransomware. No joke here when we say that Ransomware is a particularly nasty ‘ghost’ of Cybersecurity.  I know you’ve […]